The yogic approach to reducing pain and reversing your body’s biological age


Women’s Health and Wellness Focused Private Yoga

You’ve made it to the dreaded middle ages of your life! You’re already starting to feel the physical effects of being a woman who’s 40+ such as the back aches, muscle and joint stiffness (good morning I can’t turn my neck to the left today), chronic fatigue and brain fog, and basically just feeling like you’re losing control of your whole entire body. 

Perhaps you’ve been told by your physician to add more movement into your daily routine to help alleviate some of your chronic pain by doing something gentle like yoga.

You want to alleviate your pain and reverse the signs of aging in your body before it’s too late…


But you just don’t see yourself as a woman who practices yoga because you… 

👉 Have gone to a yoga class in the past but felt lost and that the poses and the pace of the class is too advanced for you

👉 Haven’t tried yoga at all because you’ve felt intimidated and that you won’t be able to get through an entire class 

👉 Don’t feel flexible enough to do yoga in the first place

👉 Just don’t see how you’d be able to get through a whole class given the chronic pains and/or injuries you’re already experiencing presently


But what if I told you that you can quickly become pain free and confident doing movements that you can actually enjoy, all while beginning to reverse the signs of your aging body - as well as taking action to slow the aging process.






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Feel like your younger self again

The Ageless Yoga Program takes the complications out of the traditional studio yoga sessions by seamlessly integrating a movement practice into your daily life so that you can quickly feel better in your body again.

Move through the aging process with agility and grace


The Ageless Yoga Program is my fully customizable women’s health and wellness focused 1:1 private yoga program in which yoga flows are designed to be slow and gentle. Your sessions are taught in the privacy of your own home so that you can grow and learn in a space that is safe and familiar to you. What makes this program special and different from the average yoga class is that not only is every single pose and flow designed to help prevent and reverse the signs of the body aging process, but is also inclusive to those with existing injuries or chronic pain issues.


Ageless Yoga is for you if you are a woman who is:

🧘‍♀️ 100% ready to fully commit to a consistent daily-ish movement practice that you plan on sticking with for life.  This program is not a “once in a while” type of program

🧘‍♀️ Done reaching for the pain relievers and medications to feel better but instead are looking to take a more holistic and sustainable long term approach to reducing your pain and stiffness 

🧘‍♀️ Advised by your doctor to begin a yoga practice to alleviate the symptoms associated with any chronic pains or injuries (i.e. arthritis, chronic back pain, osteoporosis, etc.)

🧘‍♀️ Not really interested in the spiritual aspects of yoga or yoga philosophy. You just want to feel better and younger in your body so you can live your life pain free… PERIOD

Feel your very best and live a longer, happier, and healthier life

The Ageless Yoga Protocol

  • Once or twice a week (depending on your desire and availability) in the privacy of your own home

  • Utilizing props such as blocks, blankets, light weights, chairs, or small pillows in order to gently target your specific anti-aging and age reversing needs

  • Loaded with short pre-recorded yoga flows, breath work exercises, and meditations where I will be assigning weekly video assignments for you to flow along to so that you can develop consistency in your practice


“Caitlin is amazing and one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself. So convenient that she comes to the house and gives one on one instructions based on how I feel that day. She is super down to earth, friendly and just a really genuine person.”

“I’ve been doing yoga with Caitlin weekly for about 6 months. After my first few weeks I felt so much stronger. She is able to modify our sessions based on how I’m feeling that day. It’s been an amazing experience and I will continue working with her for the foreseeable future.”

“Caitlin came to my apartment for a yoga session. I had been having issues with tightness in my hips from running. Caitlin explained and guided me through various poses that targeted my problem areas while still providing a full body workout.”

*Reviews from Google


What You’re Getting Out of the Ageless Yoga Program:

When you sign up for my program, commit to working 1:1 with me for 1 hour once or twice a week, and flow to the short pre-recorded videos at least 3-4 times a week, you will walk away from Ageless Yoga with:

✅ The ability to confidently participate in the powerfully healing practice of yoga without feeling intimidated by it

✅ Having full knowledge of your body’s movement capabilities so that you can enter into, exit from, and modify all of the popular yoga poses to safely meet your needs

✅ Better balance, agility, and increased body awareness 

Reversed signs of aging throughout the whole body including reduced pain and stiffness, increased strength and flexibility so that you can flow through your life off the yoga mat with ease

Less medication intervention = more control over your body’s destiny

Full Disclosure

Doing yoga to help reverse the aging process is not an overnight quick fix process. But I can guarantee that during our work together you will very quickly develop and implement your own personalized yoga routine to get you on the road to feeling younger in your body.  I’ve designed this program to fit seamlessly into your busy schedule so that you won’t have to sacrifice anything in your life in order to focus on yourself and your healing.


The Ageless Yoga Promise

👍 I promise to make your transition into a consistent yoga and movement practice as seamless and as stress free as possible

👍 I promise to be there every step of the way while your body adjusts and adapts to movements it may not be familiar with

👍 I promise to make the practice fun and accessible whether you’re into the deeper spirituality of the yoga practice or if you’re just here for the movements


Your Questions, My Answers

  • Absolutely not! You don’t need to be flexible to do yoga. You don’t do yoga because you’re already flexible, you do yoga to BECOME flexible.

  • I am certified to teach true never-been-on-a-mat-before beginners, and all of the poses will be broken down step by step at a pace that you are comfortable with. No splits or headstands will be required here!

  • The style of yoga that I teach is designed to be slow, gentle, and intentional, especially in the very beginning while you learn the mechanics of each pose and how your body moves and feels comfortable in them. Intensity can be increased once muscle memory kicks in, while at the same time never being too fast that you become lost. I will talk you through everything.

  • Let me start by saying your feelings surrounding this are valid. Consistency is the hardest part of starting any new habit. Everything is exciting in the beginning but over time it’s easy to fall back into old/comfortable habits. I will be there with you every step of the way if (and/or when) slumps or plateaus happen and I am prepared to provide you with a supportive action plan to help you stick with your practice. I’ve got your back!

  • The sooner you take action and commit to a consistent low impact movement practice, the sooner you have the opportunity to intervene with or perhaps reverse the physical signs of aging throughout the body such as arthritis, loss of muscle mass, osteoporosis, back pain, myofascial tightening and stiffness, hormonal imbalances, high blood pressure, and many other chronic illnesses. I’m accepting inquiries now!

    1. Your first steps are to fill out a short inquiry form that gives me more insight into what your specific needs are in starting a yoga practice. After which I will be in touch with you within 24-48 hours. Then we set up an intro phone call at your convenience to schedule your demo session.

    2. Our first session together is what I call our “demo” session. Here we will move extremely slowly and gently so that we can begin to feel a sense of confidence and that you are capable of doing yoga. This session will consist of me asking you A LOT of questions about how your body feels in each pose so I can learn about your likes, dislikes, and where we need to do the most work. The demo session is priced at $100 to be paid prior to session.

      3. Last step is to set up your own personal Ageless Yoga Protocol to help you reach your goals that your body will thank you for!

  • You may rollover any unused sessions into a “bank” to be used at a later date. Upon termination of your month to month membership, accumulated sessions expire and are non-refundable 30 days after you cancel your membership.

  • $397/month for 1 session per week

    $597/month for up to 2 sessions per week

    *Both packages include personalized protocol and access to video library

    *You may rollover any unused sessions into a “bank” to be used at a later date. Upon termination of your month to month membership, accumulated sessions expire and are non-refundable 30 days after you cancel your membership.